
Loyalty Points

The Loyalty Points Tab allows you to reward your app users who Check-In at your locations, or scan your QR Codes by earning points. Points can then be redeemed for Offers that you create. 

In the Loyalty tab, there are three areas to complete:
  1. Loyalty Settings
  2. Check-In's & QR Codes
  3. Add Offer

Loyalty Settings

Loyalty Settings allows you to setup the overall details of the loyalty program.

To enable Check-In's and QR Scans in your App, tick the relevant box and enter the number of points a user receives for completing each one.

Set a password that staff members use to confirm the offer has been redeemed.

You can change the Message and Social Network settings to display a different message.

For the Message URL, choose a webpage that you want people to land on, for example, the App Store or Google Play download page, or your website.

Checkins & QR Codes

The Check-Ins & QR Codes section allows you to set the location for Check-Ins and create QR codes.

To create a Check-In location, click the "Add Check-In / QR Code" button.

Enter the postcode of your chosen location and click search.

Use the Map to zoom and navigate, then drag and drop the marker on the exact location.

This will make the Check-In location more accurate.

Override Points means you can reward the user with more points than originally specified in the Loyalty Settings.

If you require a redeem code, tick the box, then click save.

You should have set the redeem code in Loyalty Settings mentioned above.

You can add as many Check-In locations as you want.

To create a QR code, click the "Add Check-In / QR Code" button and switch to the QR Code generator.

Give your QR code a name so you can identify it.

Restrict it to a specific location by entering the postcode and using the Map to pinpoint the exact location.

If you want to override points, tick the associated box and enter a number.

If you require a Staff Redeem code for this QR code, tick the box.

Save your QR Code then click on it to bring up a larger version that you can save to your desktop.

Tips for QR Codes:

  • Print it out and put it around your business or your area
  • Put it on your website
  • Post it on social media

Add Offer

Click "Add Offer" to create your offers.

For the best uptake on offers, create ones that your users are going to want to redeem!

Give the offer a name, image and a short description so users know the offer details.

Set the start and end dates and the quantity; determining how many of this offer can be redeemed, for example, 40.

The Offer Cost is how many Checkins, QR Scans or points a customer needs to have in order to redeem the reward.

Create as many offers as you like.

To edit offers, use the Pencil icon next to each offer. To delete them, use the red "X" icon.