The Theme Images section allows you to upload your App Icon, Splash Screen and Header bar image.
Please note, if you want to make changes to your App Icon and Splash Screen once your App is live on the App stores, you will have to resubmit your App.
App Icon
Your App Icon is what your App users will look for on their Smartphones when they want to use your App.
Is it also what will remind users of your App when they are just browsing through their phones.
1. To upload your App Icon, click inside the box and upload it from your desktop.
For best results, we recommend using an image that is 1024 x 1024 pixels. This way, it fits exactly in the App Icon area and will be of high quality.
2. Use the Image Editor to move and resize the image to fit perfectly and then Save.
Splash Screen
Your Splash Screen is the first image your users will see when they open your App.
It's a chance to really push your brand to your customers.
1. Upload your Splash Screen in the same way as the App Icon. Click inside the box, choose an image or upload one from your desktop.
For best results with your Splash Screen, we recommend using an image that is 1080 x 1920 pixels.
2. If the image doesn't fit exactly in the border, use the Image Editor. Use this to move and resize the image to fit in the area.
Click Save once you're happy.
Header Bar Image
The Header image can be used to display your logo or leave it blank to show your App/Business Name.
Click on the Header Bar section and choose it from the Image Library or upload it from your desktop.